Grounding Techniques for the Super Busy Mom


Are you struggling with feeling overwhelmed or sensitive to loud noises?

Feeling exhausted and lightheaded even after a full night sleep?

Anxious and the feeling disconnected finding it difficult to get anything done?

Call it what you want, empathetic, sensitive or compassionate. These emotions are often the root cause for feeling exhausted in good times or bad.

Kids activities, partner disputes, gossip, news can all leave a heavy emotional imprint on us. Although it’s a good thing to feel in touch with your feelings it can all spiral out of control feeling disconnected to your best self.

Here are some tips for the next time you are feeling out of sorts. Anyone of these techniques will help you to regain a sense of physical and spiritual connection to get back to feeling vibrant, focused and back on track.

Get with Nature

Get out in nature, take your shoes off and plant them in the grass or if you're able to go to the beach and dig in the sand. If you like to dig, get your hands dirty in the garden. (I use this technique all the time when I feel blocked and can’t seem to get my creative juices flowing.)

Whatever works for you, connect with Mother Earth. There is so much power in reconnecting with the power of Mother Earth.

Get Stoned

Haha don’t get the wrong idea, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is to use the power of crystals and stones. Ground yourself by using a stone for strength and clarity or whatever else it is that you are working toward. Simply incorporate these beautiful pieces into your daily life by wearing them as jewelry, placing a crystal in your pocket or even carrying them in your purse. Just having them with you will bring a sense of peace.

Get Physical

You’ve got to move it, move it! Turn up the music and break into an impromptu dance party at home with your family. This bring's a joy to everyone’s heart while physically stimulating the body with the added bonus of opening up the sacral chakra. If you’re not into dancing go for a walk, do some laundry, clean the house or get on the floor and do some yoga. Moving the body with good intention will ground your body. Take notice to how you become more aware of the physical effects after you’ve gotten some movement in your body for a few minutes.If you’re not into dancing go for a walk, do some laundry, clean the house or get on the floor and do some yoga. Moving the body with good intention will bring you back to a state of complete awakening. Take notice to how you become more aware of the physical effects after you’ve gotten some movement in your body for a few minutes.

Moving the body with good intention will bring you back to a state of complete awakening. Take notice to how you become more aware of the physical effects after you’ve gotten some movement in your body for a few minutes.

Get Salty

Sit down, turn on a guided meditation or close your eyes relaxing with a cup of your favorite tea while soaking your feet in a tub of sea salts to help ground and detoxify your body from any toxins that may be pulling on your energy. Allow the next 20 minutes of relaxing to refresh and rejuvenate your body and mind like a full night sleep.


Sit turn on a guided meditation or close your eyes relaxing with a cup of your favorite tea while soaking your feet in a tub of sea salts to help ground and detoxify your body from any toxins that may be pulling on your energy. Allow the next 20 minutes of relaxing to refresh and rejuvenate your body and mind like a full night sleep.

Get Deep

Many people don’t take the time to focus on their breathing. Performing simple breathing techniques can help to lower blood pressure, aid in digestion, or calm a racing heart. Breathing has a direct connection to mood and emotional stability. By taking deep, slow, quiet and consistent cleansing breath will calm and relax the body down.


Take a few moments today to reconnect with yourself with what is important to you so you can show up to life refreshed, refocused and revitalized. 


Until the next time, stand in your power and live your life in magnificence! 


Love & Light,


50% Complete

Two Step

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